ID TheftSmart™
Village Bank offers ID TheftSmart™, a service that gives you access to a team of licensed private investigators that help Protect, Detect, and Restore your identity.
Concerned About Identity Theft?
ID TheftSmart™ will provide continuous credit monitoring to alert you to any potential problems or suspicious activity, as well as exclusive access to your own experienced, licensed investigator in the event your identity has been compromised.
According to the Federal Trade Commission, identity theft is when someone uses your personally identifying information, like your name, Social Security Number, or credit card number, without your permission, to commit fraud or other crimes. Millions of people are affected each day by Identity Theft, and it only continues to rise, targeting people of all ages. Though nobody can prevent it, you can still protect yourself.
Credit Monitoring Features
Monthly credit monitoring of: new account openings, credit inquiries, payment delinquencies, public record changes, and change of address.
Have access to trained credit specialists to answer data questions.
Receive alerts via email of any activity.
If there is no activity with your credit, you will receive a monthly ‘No Activity’ email that lets you know your account is still being monitored.
ID Restoration Features
Consultation on best practices for managing personal identification information.
Safety guidelines for communicating and interacting online.
Information about your rights concerning identity theft under Federal and State Laws.
Consult on best practices for consumer privacy.
An action plan when information has been compromised.
Help interpreting and analyzing your credit report.
Assist in the event of a Stolen/Lost Wallet.
Fraud Alert Assistance.
Credit Freeze Consultation.
Protect yourself today by signing up for Credit Monitoring with a Village Bank Banker!